
How Does Atticus Finch Use Self-Control In To Kill A Mockingbird

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When one makes a mistake once it there then becomes that of a lesson, when this mistake is then repeated it rather becomes a choice of one’s own doings and or actions. Atticus Finch’s entire being/character revolves around the concept of both self-control and self-respect. Atticus Finch being a fictional character featured in Harper Lee’s exceptional, ludicrous novel To Kill a Mockingbird which was written during the 1960s. Self-control appears to be the best way to portray Atticus amongst the pages within the novel towards any specific situation as far as actions and or behaviors that are represented. Atticus sheds incredible light on the self-control aspect when dealing with that of his children, (his parenting methods and morals) Jem and Scout. …show more content…

Both dynamically but conveniently and well-rounded would be an example that would properly capture Atticus’s essence as well as his immense self-control, “Miss Stephanie said Atticus did not even bat an eye just took out his handkerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr.Ewell call him names horses could not bring her to repeat.”(Lee,217) Meaning that even when challenges arise that have the great potential to test one’s patience such as that of Mr.Ewell showing great disrespect Atticus maintained a calm conduct; he did not allow himself to succumb to Mr.Ewell's unfortunate level. Atticus Finch proves to be a wise, sophisticated parent/person in To Kill a

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