
How Does Baseball Lose Its Cool

Decent Essays

When is the last time one went to a baseball game? The sport of Baseball is a well-known game. The sport of Baseball has not lost its cool because the sport is very popular, many countries national sport, and is commonly found around the world. These are the reasons why Baseball has not lost its cool. The first reason why Baseball has not lost its cool is that the sport is very popular. The sport of Baseball is a very popular game around the world. The spread of baseball popularity has spread from the United States to Cuba and the Dominican islands and all the way across the world to the countries of Japan and Korea and many other nations throughout the world. The author of the source “Baseball” by Funk and Wagnails New World Encyclopedia states, “Baseball became increasingly popular in the U.S between 1850 and 1860.” The United States has played the sport of baseball for a long time. The author of “Play Ball- Everywhere!” by Sommerville, Diane Miller states, “Following Cuban Independence, and freed from Spanish efforts …show more content…

With such a following, Baseball has been developed into a major sport around the world. As the popularity of baseball has grown, many small towns and cities alike have opened many opportunities for young kids and adults to play baseball in either recreational baseball or travel baseball. The sport of Baseball is also commonly played in the middle and high school levels of education. This is how the sport of baseball is still popular around the world.
The next reason baseball has not lost its cool is that Baseball is a national sport for many countries around the world. The sport of Baseball is a national sport for many countries. The United States of America nickname for baseball is the National Pastime. The author of the source “Play Ball-Everywhere!” by Sommerville, Diane Miller states, “Baseball is a Cuban national game.” The sport of baseball is played in many countries such as the U.S

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