
The Importance Of Basketball And Football

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Many people believe that basketball or football is the best sport in the world. Basketball is popular as it’s played/watched by millions of people in most countries around the world. Football, on the other hand, has a fanatical fan base that can’t wait for training camp every July and then tailgate for hours prior to each game during the season. Regardless of the fan base followings basketball and football have, baseball offers many other reasons to show that it is the greatest sport. In my mind, part of baseball’s authority over the other sports is that it provides both a better fan and player experience. From the fan’s perspective, there is no other sport to watch as it provides a more dominant family atmosphere along with other rules of play differences that make it more interesting. Also, from the player’s point of view, baseball can provide a long career, which in turn provides additional player wealth. In all sports getting injured is always a possibility. In football and basketball, an ACL injury is the most common. Also in football, there’s now a growing concern over CTE problems, which is caused by receiving a concussion. This is very scary for most players and most are now retiring early in their career because of this concern. In the MLB, while ACL injuries and concussions do occur, a major concern for star pitchers are arm injuries. Tommy John surgery is the name of an elbow injury that was named for the first player to undergo this type of surgery.

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