
How Does Beowulf Show Courage

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Beowulf’s most magnificent act of courage is when he takes on the dreaded Grendel. “For twelve winters” (147) Grendel terrorized the Dane’s famous hall, Heorot, where the King of the Danes, Hrothgar, resides. Beowulf’s primary reason for traveling to the Daneland is to fight the “ ‘corpse-maker mongering death” (276). Beowulf knows of the destructive path Grendel has went through Heorot Hall but he still shows courage to fight the demonic creature with knowing his history. Beowulf tells Hrothgar of his courage to relieve the doubts of victory “ ‘they [have] seen me bolstered in the blood of enemies when I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll-nest and in the night-sea slaughtered sea-brutes” (419-422). Beowulf demands he is “a match for Grendel, [and will] settle the outcome in single combat.” (425-426) “ ‘To heighten Hygelac’s fame and gladden his heart” Beowulf wants to fight Grendel “ ‘hand-to-hand” in “ ‘a life- and-death fight with the fiend” (433-441). …show more content…

He wants to fight Grendel hand-to-hand, the reader gets a glimpse of how Beowulf is most confident with defeating foes without weapons. Beowulf shows his ability to defeat Grendel when he says, “ ‘unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares.” (684) Beowulf’s confidence in himself to fight without armor or weapons could come from arrogance but his character traits show it is from his

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