
How Does Bob Ewell Use Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The characters Bob Ewell, Miss Gate’s, and Miss Dubose demonstrate the tragedies and horrors associated with racism and prejudice behaviors through the utilization of their actions, beliefs, opinions, and thoughts throughout the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Bob Ewell demonstrates the tragedies and horrors associated with racism and prejudice behaviors through his arrogant attitude towards the African American society of Maycomb, his treatment and harassment of everyone after the trial to avenge his high pride in himself, and the consequences associated with his racist and prejudice behaviors throughout the novel. Bob Ewell looks down on the African American society of Maycomb and feels as if he can take full advantage of them since he is of …show more content…

An example of this behavior is his harassment of Helen Robinson. "She had to walk nearly a mile out of her way to avoid the Ewells, who,...'chunked at her'..."Helen went to work...and used the public road... when she was a few yards beyond the Ewell house, she looked around and saw Mr. Ewell walking behind her….Mr. Ewell kept the same distance behind her until she reached Mr. Link Deas house. All the way to the house, Helen said, she heard a soft voice behind her, crooning foul words."(333-334). Not only was he responsible for the death of an innocent man but he decided that it was okay to harass his poor wife and make her suffer even more for something that shouldn’t have happened, it only demonstrates how foul and racist of a man Bob Ewell is. The consequences associated with Bob Ewell’s racist and prejudice behaviors are Tom Robinson’s death, Bob Ewells own death, humiliated and looked down upon by the rest of the down, proven in court to be a lier, not a hero. Tom Robinson is innocent, a kind man, and means no harm to anyone else, and yet he had been hurt emotionally, persecuted, and killed despite his innocence throughout the novel because of the actions and lies of Bob

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