
How Does COPD Affects Mr Bright's Life?

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2010), as a progressive disease of the lungs characterised by airflow obstructions, which complicate the process of breathing. Bellamy and Booker (2004) describe COPD as not being one singular disease but instead being an umbrella term to include other chronic lung diseases within its diagnosis: these include emphysema (which affects the alveoli) and chronic bronchitis (which affects the bronchi). This assignment will take a deeper look into how COPD affects Mr Bright’s life (Appendix 1), particularly how the patient’s breathlessness affects his physical, mental and social wellbeing in his everyday life. This will be followed up by an evidence-based …show more content…

Bright is his use of substances such as alcohol and cigarettes, which could be responsible for the exasperations of his condition. The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2013) states that the primary cause of COPD is inhaling tobacco smoke, whether that is through directly smoking yourself or through second hand smoke. Weatherspoon (2005) backs this up with her evidence, which states that smoking is correlated to 90% of cases of COPD, and smoking causes that eight out of every ten COPD-related deaths. This is because smoking harms the air sacs, airways, and the lining of the lungs, which results in difficulty breathing due to the lungs having trouble moving air in and out. Furthermore, Greene (2008) found that people who reported binge drinking over a 3-year period experienced their COPD symptoms worsening. Alcohol causes decreased lung function and affects the ability to clear mucus from the airway, which can leave the lungs vulnerable to infection. Excess alcohol causes a insufficiency of the antioxidant glutathion in the lungs; this causes one to become more vulnerable to severe lung conditions, along with exasperating any prevailing COPD symptoms. While, abstaining from alcohol improves the diffusing capability of the lungs, it doesn’t ease the partial or complete airway blockage experienced in COPD. Alcohol may also interfere with a number of COPD prescriptions including: glucocorticoids and antibiotics. Furthermore, alcohol can often have the effect of slowing down a patient’s breathing rate to such a level that it could be fatal when combined with anxiety and pain medication. Mr. Bright’s refusal to wear an oxygen mask could be an indication that he either smokes cigarettes or is around people who do smoke and is concerned about the dangers of smoking whilst using oxygen. He may also be concerned about the sedating effects of drinking alcohol whilst using oxygen, which could slow his breathing down. Therefore

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