
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In Night

Decent Essays

During his stay in the concentration camps, author and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Elie Wiesel changed, spiritually and mentally. In his memoir Night, you follow him through the horrifying concentration camps of the Holocaust. You watch as he struggles with his faith and his humanity. Before his experience at the concentration camps, Elie was devoted to his faith, but after the horrors of the concentration camps, Elie could not find it within him to have faith any longer. Elie was furious, furious at the Nazis, but also at his God for allowing such horrible things to happen to him. Elie challenges his faith in God when he sees the thousands of Jews in the camp, who all were put there because of their faith in their God. Once everything sunk in Elie thinks, “I no longer accepted God’s silence”(Wiesel 69). Elie is understandably angry. He had had faith in his God, and had devoted himself to learning all about his religion, but after his experiences, he felt that his God had not only abandoned him, but also the other Jews who had believed in him. Elie sees the things going on in the camp, and he realizes that God is allowing it to happen. Earlier in the book, Elie was completely devoted to his God, studying the Kabbalah day and night. But now Elie has seen …show more content…

After witnessing the abandonment of a father via his son, Elie hopes that he does not become like that. But soon, when hunger tears at him, he thinks about taking his father’s food for his own. Another inmate tries to convince him to take his father’s portion and Elie thought, ”He was right, I thought deep down, not daring to admit it to myself”(Wiesel 111). Elie thought of betraying his father, even if for a second and this shows the change in Elie. In the start of the book, Elie was selfless, caring for both him and his father. But, the longer he stays in the camps, the more resentful he becomes, but not only at his God and the Nazis, but also at his

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