
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In The Book Night

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Did you know that over 1.5 million Jews died in Auschwitz? The book “Night” By Elie Wiesel tells the story of the main character, Elie Wiesel, and his father trying to survive as Jews during the holocaust. This story shows us how a person can change drastically when everything they know and love is ripped from them. This can be seen through Elie Wiesel’s loss of faith, loss of family, and finally, his loss of emotions.

Elie can be seen changing through his loss of faith. In beginning, he was a devout follower of Judaism as can be seen on page 3 where Elie admitted, “By day I studied Talmud (Jewish oral tradition), by night I would run to the synagogue to cry over the weep over the destruction of the temple.” This text evidence divulges to us what Elie was like before the Holocaust. However, by page 33, when after arriving at Auschwitz, he questions “The Almighty lord, the eternal and terrible master of the universe… What was there to thank him for?” This means that Elie is starting to question/stray away from his religion. In all, this shows Elie’s transition from loving his god to questioning him, wondering why he would let this happen to his people. …show more content…

Elie loses family as early as page 29, Where he reveals that, “He (A SS soldier) commanded: Men to the left! Women to the right!... I was leaving my mother and Tzipora forever.” These few sentences reveal to us that Elie, within a few seconds, lost both his mother and youngest sister forever. Furthermore, he wouldn’t be able to see his other two sisters until after the war, so he essentially lost over one half of his family in less than a minute. Sadly, he didn’t just lose his mother and his younger daughter. On page 112, Elie sadly admits that “They must of taken him (his father) to the crematorium. Perhaps he was still breathing”. This exposes the fate of his father, who died of either dysentery or being burned

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