
How Does Friar Lawrence Support Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Lawrence's Deadly Support “Hold daughter I do spy a kind of hope”(183). Spoken by Friar Lawrence in William Shakespeare's famous romantic tragedy, and describes his support towards Romeo and Juliet; however, sometimes helping someone does more harm than good. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, support is shown in more than just one way. Friar Lawrence's willingness to support Romeo and Juliet ultimately causes their deaths. Friar tries to help Romeo and Juliet by marrying them even though it is prohibited by the prince. Juliet is supposed to be married to someone else, but is telling the Friar how frantic she is and if he doesn't help her, she will kill herself. Friar responds, “Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here”(89). Romeo and Juliet arranged with …show more content…

Romeo has just been banned from the town because he killed Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt. They need a plan to be able to see each other again. His first idea it so have Juliet keep pretending that she wants to marry Paris. He states, “Give consent to marry Paris”(183). The Friar think this will help so that the family doesn't think anything is wrong, but Juliet is being forced to marry a boy, Paris, she doesn't want. The next part of his plan is to give Juliet a vial of sleeping potion. It will make her sleep long enough for them to think she is dead so they will put her in the tomb. He explains, “Take thou this vial, being in bed”(183). Juliet agrees to this because she wants a plan to see Romeo. This is her last hope, and if this doesn't work she will kill herself. Romeo does not know about the plan because he did not get the information about the plan. Juliet does take the sleeping potion, but when Romeo sees her in the tomb, he thinks she is really dead and kills himself. She wakes up to see him laying dead next to her and stabs herself. Friar gets to the tomb to see if Juliet has woken up, but finds them both

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