
How Does George Kill Lennie's Death

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Imagine you are a psychiatrist and one of your patients, says she wants to be euthanized because she is sick of having to suffer through her disorder. What would you do? In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men, George and Lennie, go to California during the depression to find jobs. They traveled to a ranch that they were hired to buck barley at. By the end of the book, Lennie accidentally killed Curley’s wife because he has no control over his strength. Lennie ran off, and George had to make a tough decision, should he kill Lennie to save him from Curley or should he let Curley and Carlson get to Lennie. In the end, George makes the ultimate decision, to euthanize, or to mercifully kill Lennie to save him from Curley’s wrath. In my opinion what, George did was wrong. Everybody has a life, and everybody deserves to live theirs out. Only on the brink of death should people even consider euthanizing someone,is to stop the person’s suffering. When George kills Lennie, I believe that it is wrong. Lennie has a life to live, even though he killed Curley’s wife, he doesn’t deserve to die. I strongly agree with the fact that they should have taken Lennie to a hospital. There, he could have gotten a lot of help and maybe have someday realize that what he did was wrong. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie Small murdered Curley’s wife without realizing what …show more content…

The people who believe this say, “A person should not have to endure intolerable suffering”. (O’Morain). To that I agree to an extent, what is your definition of intolerable? To a child, a scratch on the knee may seem intolerable, or a broken bone. Is a mental disorder intolerable, or a physical disorder? Those aren’t intolerable because if you can treat those, and their life counts just as much as ours. And they can always receive help, because there is several jobs out there that can give them the help that they may

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