
How Does Heathcliff Change Throughout The Novel

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The novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte analyzes the struggle of physical and psychological forces as against Heathcliff, the main character of the story, who tries to refashion or otherwise escape what appears to be his fate in life. In order to prove himself to other people, innocent Heathcliff gradually turns into a vengeful and angry person due to the physical and psychological forces.
Heathcliff is a poor and naïve boy when he is adopted. Heathcliff enters the Earnshaw family as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool. Old Mr. Earnshaw finds on the streets of Liverpool a little destitute boy, who is as dark as the devil and brings him home as a gift from God. Heathcliff comes …show more content…

Almost everyone looks down on him because of his background and appearance. As Nelly, the housekeeper for the Lintons, says,” From the beginning, Heathcliff bred bad feeling in the house” (38). Because of his starving and homeless childhood, he quickly becomes a product of all of the abuse and neglect. He begins life as a lower-class orphan, but is raised to the status of a gentleman’s son when Mr. Earnshaw adopts him. So, his presence in Wuthering Heights overthrows the prevailing habits of the Earnshaw family. Members of the family soon become involved in turmoil and fighting and family relationships become spiteful and hateful. Heathcliff’s arrival is seen as a direct threat to just about everyone, but mostly to Hindley, who is Mr Earnshaw’s son. Therefore, Heathcliff suffers another reversal in status when Hindley forces him to work as a servant while Hindley enjoys a life of luxury. Moreover, Heathcliff is often beaten by Hindley for most of his childhood. Heathcliff lives in Mr. Earnshaw’s house without being considered as a family member. He is mistreated, slighted by other people who are upper class. These psychological factors arouse in Heathcliff as a deep, abiding hatred and all consuming passion for

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