
How Does Holden Convince Mr. Antolini

Decent Essays

Though Holden’s purpose for approaching Mr. Antolini in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is to talk to someone who will support him, instead he find’s Mr. Antolini ready with hard questions to make Holden think about his past and his future, which is something he is not ready to do yet. Holden seeks out Mr. Antolini after coming from a place of betrayal with his sister Phoebe who he thought would help him. Mr. Antolini was someone who Holden thought would agree with him in his principles after seeing what he did for James Castle. Mr. Antolini gives Holden advice that goes against seemingly everything Holden thought he learned from Mr. Antolini previously. Holden expects for Mr. Antolini to be his savior, like he sees him with James Castle, but Mr. Antolini didn’t save Castle, he merely cleaned up the mess. Holden does not welcome Mr. Antolini’s advice because Holden went to Mr. Antolini in hopes that Mr. Antolini would tell him his situation was not to bad and he would help try and drag him out of it. Holden had just been with Phoebe who seemingly betrayed him, as she was sleeping in D.B.’s bed and asked him about serious questions. In this way she was truly taking on her role as Benedict Arnold. Holden mentioned earlier in the book that D.B. is …show more content…

Antolini. He wants him to tell him that everything he is doing is right, but also he wants him to save him and get him out of the hole he has dug himself into without acknowledging that there is a hole. Holden is afraid of the change that suicide entails, so he goes to Mr. Antolini preemptively, hoping that he will be able to cover his body now and take him to safety. However, Mr. Antolini can only help in that way after rock bottom has been hit, but Holden’s inability to recognize he has a problem prevents Mr. Antolini from being able to help him by giving advice for him to take to heart instead of attempting to shrug it off as he does with the advice he gets from everyone

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