
How Does Iago's Evilness Lead To Evil

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Even the most evil of people have a care for others, but that evilness may lead to disaster. Iago is the antagonist in Othello, a play in which he sets out to destroy the lives of people he despises. His own lies lead to Othello killing his wife and destroying the lives of many around him. As all these tragedies start to happen, “honest Iago” does not seem so honest after all. Emilia, Iago’s wife, reveals the truth about Iago, and he is soon arrested. Iago is not as smart as he is sought out to be which is what lead to this disaster. Iago’s plan took life because he started to believe his own lies which made it more believable to others. One characteristic that makes Iago so malicious is his ability to take advantage of innocent people. Roderigo …show more content…

By doing so he appears sincere and reliable to the other characters, but what they do not see is how deceiving he really is. Iago continually lies to Othello about Desdemona having an affair with Cassio. He purposely used Cassio to show Othello how noble he is by making Cassio look like he is the bad guy. It is easy for Iago to lie to Othello because Othello sees him as a close and honest friend who would never lie to him. One example where Iago lies to Othello is when he says, “Look to your wife; observe her well with Cassio; / Wear your eyes thus, not jealous nor secure” (3.3.228-229). As Iago lies to Othello about Cassio and Desdemona having an affair, he makes himself appear loyal and concerned for Othello’s well being. Lying is a vicious act that Iago goes to because it can have unintended consequences and be hurtful when the truth comes out. By doing this Iago is able to manipulate others and have them unknowingly follow his …show more content…

Othello had so much trust in him and knew how “honest” he was that he never once questioned what Iago had said about Cassio and Desdemona. Iago had made Othello believe Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio without any proof to show him. Iago unquestionably destroys the relationship of Othello and Desdemona without any feeling of guilt. Iago tricked Othello into his plan when he says, “ She did deceive her father, marrying you, / And when she seemed to shake and fear your looks, / She loved them most” (3.3.238-240). Iago’s manipulative words is all that Othello needs to hear to believe that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. “As to be bold with you, / Not to affect many proposed matches / Of her own clime, complexion, and degree” (3.3.268-270). Iago makes it seem like Desdemona is not who Othello thinks she is. Iago convinces Othello into believing that she is unfaithful, even though she is the most innocent character. Iago tricks Othello with his words because he had no evidence to show him yet Othello is still able to believe him. Iago uses manipulation to benefit himself as he does not have any sympathy for the people he is

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