
How Does Identity Affect My Sense Of Personal Identity

Decent Essays

Back in high school my group of friends and family members had the most effect on my sense of identity. Growing up I would always admire the way my oldest sister dressed. I would always want to go shopping with her so that she could pick my clothes out for me. She had her own unique style and it was very “chic” to me. As I begin to study her style when I became a teenager I created my own personal style similar to my sister but more suited for me in my own way. Physically in high school I was at a real bad place I wasn’t happy with my weight at all, which almost led to a depression. Emotionally I had to learn to emotionally self-regulate and socially I was pretty well off I was making some friends they just weren’t the friends I wanted to hang out with. …show more content…

While in high school I experienced Marcia’s identity achievement and identity foreclosure. As I was growing up I started figuring out my identity at an early age didn’t really explore other identities it was just I knew what kind of person I was and what I wanted in life so there was no reason to explore otherwise. For example, no one could influence me to do anything that I didn’t want to do because I already knew myself. Also, I’ve experienced Identity achievement growing up I was in a public school majority of students black which is when I self identifies myself, but when I turned the age 14 I moved from Chicago to Houston where it’s very diverse and many cultures are accepted. Going to school and Chicago and Houston were two completely different worlds as in Chicago you were forced to believe and think the same as everyone else you couldn’t really be you. When I moved to Houston it really opened my house to a bigger picture to accept people for who they are and really find my self-identity instead of being someone

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