
How Does Judith Ortiz Cofer Use Stereotypes

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People think that stereotypes can’t be avoided. We have them about race, gender, sexuality and about anything else you could think of. Brent Staples and Judith Ortiz Cofer are both experienced writers with the message that stereotypes are dangerous because they are incomplete. Yet they completely different stories. Both of these stories contain examples of stereotyping. Brent Staples story, “Black Men in Public Space” expresses what it’s like to be on the other side, being stereotyped, generally by women by using imagery and a metaphor. Judith Ortiz Cofer’s story, “I Just Met a Girl Named Maria” shames anyone who embraces stereotypes by using connotative diction and ethos. Stereotypes are noticed as “incomplete” because the missing pieces …show more content…

He does a great job of conveying his message and purpose through imagery and a metaphor. The best examples of imagery being used in this piece are, “She cast back a worried glance. To her, the youngish black man-a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket-seemed to be menacingly close” (Staples 383). The other example is, “At dark, shadowy intersections, I could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver--black, white, male or female--hammering down the door locks”(Staples 384). Imagery was a great decision to use in this story because it puts the reader in the place of Staples therefore letting them better understand what it must be like to be on the other side of the stereotype and allowing them to comprehend the his message. Staples also has a humorous tone while using a metaphor at the end of the story, “It is my equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they know they are in bear country”(Staples 385). This metaphor enables the audience to analyse a comparison for better understanding of how cruel people can be to make others feel so insignificant and small. With the reader's understanding this feeling they will better understand the …show more content…

She chose to best express her message through connotative diction and ethos. She uses connotative diction in the quote, “Mixed cultural signals have perpetuated certain stereotypes-for example,“Hot tamale”..“sizzling” and “smoldering” are the adjectives of choice for describing not only foods but the women of Latin America”(Cofer 3). Showing examples of connotative diction used by stereotypical people was a good strategy because it gives examples to the audience if they have never been aware of these stereotypes. It also helps the audience feel just as frustrated about these degrading terms as Cofer does and that leads the reader to also shame people who embrace stereotypes. The other strategy cofer uses is ethos, “Because of my education and proficiency with the english language…”(Cofer 5). Cofer using ethos showed that she was credible in what she was talking about and how she felt. This led the audience to know she was reliable and a good source of information making them want to continue listening to her argument that stereotypes are bad because they are

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