
How Does Laymon Influence American Culture

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Laymon frequently turned toward entertainment as a way to cope with his everyday struggles, using comedy and music as an outlet to motivate him and help him exist in such a cruel world. Hip hop music as well as Bernie Mac’s hilarious skits constantly reminded Laymon that African Americans have a real purpose in a world where blacks are often given little credit for their contributions to American culture. The idea that blacks created hip hop and are the “generators of American music” helped Laymon grasp the importance of blacks in America, allowing him to “be” with a real purpose instead of living life with no meaning. In addition to living life with meaning, Laymon learned from Bernie Mac that he was not alone in the world, and that using …show more content…

However, he learned how not to love before learning to love honestly and sincerely. When Laymon writes about his so-called “father figure” in his letter to Darnell and Mychal, he discusses how this man taught him to love himself by resenting white people and the hardships they brought upon blacks. He taught Laymon that physical and emotional abuse were signs of love and care. Above all, he expressed that black men had to love each other just because they shared the same skin tone and fought the same battles. However, after reading Darnell’s letter, Laymon realized that love should not be a forced emotion, or an emotion that stems from any sort of hatred or resentment for others. Laymon explains that his newfound definition of to love is to live, and anything else is …show more content…

After reading a newsletter my temple sent out about the upcoming protest, the attack became personal. The WBC’s claim that my temple was a “god-cursed” organization was a shock to our jewish community. Living in a generally liberal and accepting area, I realized I have been sheltered my whole life; protected from degrading people with unaccepting attitudes. However, reading about the protest online was no comparison to the defeat I felt when I saw the messages the WBC wrote on their signs and surrounded our temple with. Despite the large group of members of the WBC, I was surprised to see an even bigger gathering of rabbis, cantors, teachers, and other members of my temple, unwilling to accept the false accusations from the WBC. The jewish community joined together, supporting and comforting one another, not even phased by such a personal attack. Articles were written, and newsletters were sent out, comforting the whole community and ensuring that everyone had a way to express and discuss their feelings about the situation. While the WBC may have deemed their protest a success in spreading their message, my temple proved to be successful in helping me see how community and faith can truly heal

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