
How Does Mary Oliver Use Alliteration In Crossing The Swamp

Decent Essays

Crossing the Swamp by Mary Oliver is a poem that depicts the struggles in life and the eclipse of them. Oliver employs an optimistic tone towards difficult times in which positive outcomes follow after. The speaker's relationship with the swamp is difficult in nature however calm in passing which reveals how challenging situations can be overcome by self-control and perseverance. By using metaphors and alliteration, Oliver expands on how the swamp makes the speaker feel as well as reveal the affects the swamp has on the speaker. The authors use of alliteration helps to provide specific tones to the words Oliver chooses to use. These tones then go on to provide more accurate connotations that prove their significance in the poem. For example, when Oliver wrote "the dark burred faintly belching bogs" the repetition of the "B" sounds give an accurate description of what an actual swamp may sound like. Words like "belching" and "bogs" are not words commonly associated with things like beauty and ease. This the helps to signify the readers of the difficulties the speaker is experiencing. Another …show more content…

Oliver used the cosmos to describe the swamp. Regularly, when thinking about the cosmos, many think of a vast, beautiful place; something that is in almost complete juxtaposition of a swamp. By doing this, Oliver is able to show the complexity of both the swamp and the speakers relationship with it. Cosmos seem to be incomprehensible and never-ending, the same can be said with difficult and stressful situations. However, the cosmos are beautiful when you understand them, again, the same can be said about stressful and difficult situations. By using such a visually appealing metaphor to define something less than beautiful, Oliver is able to create both an optimistic and hopeful tone while still being able to describe struggling

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