
How Does Maudie Use Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it-whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash”(Lee 252).
Racial, gender, socioeconomic, and religious discrimination impact the community of Maycomb.
This Alabama town, impoverished by the Great Depression, is congested with racism, poverty, and sexism. These three things are common in similar towns around Maycomb, and basically, all of Alabama. Women are Expected to be as ladylike as possible. Families are destitute and cannot even pay back a dollar. Black people are categorized as trash, possibly even worse than trash. All of these things are the horrid reality people woke up to in the 1930’s. The words to …show more content…

This issue is more subtle, and often overlooked by Maycomb’s citizens. The ladylike desideratum is a more personal issue in the book, but is recurring understatedly throughout it. Scout is a tomboy by nature, and has grown up with little to no female influence other than Miss Maudie and Calpurnia. When aunt Alexandra witnessed how unladylike and crude Scout was being, she had to do something about it. The fact that just because Scout is female, she has to wear makeup and a dress is not very outlandish, Because that’s just how it was at the time.
The final issue is Poverty. In Maycomb, no one is made of money. Most people, like the Ewells are very poor. Maycomb is so impoverished due to the Great Depression. The Great Depression started in 1929 and ended 10 years later in 1939.”Because that's the only way he can pay me, he has no money”(Lee 27).” The Cunninghams were so poor that they could not pay with money. Instead, produce was their go to payment method. Most of Maycomb was like this, poor, but hardworking. These are the saddening truths of Harper Lee’s little depressed town of

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