
How Does Maya Angelou Use Personification In I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

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Maya Angelou is known for her powerful soul connecting poetry but one of her most beloved poems is “I know why the caged bird sings”. In the poem “I know why a caged bird sings”, she utilizes a caged bird to describe a person calling for freedom. Maya Angelou wrote this poem around the racial stand point in the late 60’s. She depicts many examples of figurative language to portray the emotions of a person deprived of their civil liberties because of their skin color. In Maya Angelou poem “I know why the caged bird sings,” she expresses the hardships of racial discrimination and segregation using personification, imagery, and symbolism.
The first element that Angelou utilizes in “I know why a caged bird sings” is personification. Angelou uses personification in the title its self by giving the bird the human quality of singing. Also Angelou uses personification when she writes “he names the sky his own.” From this quote, one could assume she is giving the bird the human quality of being able to have …show more content…

One example of imagery Angelou uses is the “caged bird” itself, to give the readers a visual of a bird caged bound. Another example of imagery is from the quote “The caged bird sings with a fearful trill” this gives the readers the opportunity to close their eyes and visualize a bird chirping in a frightful tone calling out for freedom.
The final element that Angelou utilizes is symbolism. In this poem by Maya Angelou readers can assume she is using the entire poem to symbolize our civil rights activist such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks fighting for equality and freedom with only dream about being able to be free like a “free bird who can dips his wing in the orange sun rays or one that can claim the sky,” when she refers to a caged bird. She also uses symbolism to when she speaks of the free bird for anyone could assume she is referring to the white

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