
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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50% of marriages end in divorce, Montag and Mildred among them. Montag is an ignorant fireman until he meets a young girl named Clarisse who changes him for the better. In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse McClellan and Mildred are very different in personality and both contribute to Montag change in beliefs, but in different ways; Clarisse for the better and Mildred for the worst. Clarisse is the first person to open Montags eyes to the world. For example, Montag has never really thought about much so Clarisse tells him to “just sit and think” so he can analyze the world (23). Clarisse wants Montag to see the world around him and think about what he is seeing. Also, Clarisse is outside with Montag as it is raining and say, “rain even tastes good”, with her head back drinking (21). This shows that Clarisse is more outgoing and adventurous than Mildred. Montag tells Clarisse that his wife is thirty, but Clarisse seems “much older [than her]” at times (23). Clarisse seems much older than Mildred because of her intelligence by the way she sees the world . …show more content…

For example, Mildred overdose on sleeping pills because she is not happy, but she tries to not show it (13). After Mildred wakes up the next morning she says she has no idea what happened, but I believe she really does. Another reason is, while Montag is sick at home, Mildred keeps turning up the parlor because “thats her family” (49). Mildred cares more about her tv family than her real husband that is sick. Finally, when Montag comes down stairs, he finds Mildred with “both ears plugged” and she barely acknowledges that he is there (18). This shows that Mildred rarely shows that she sees and hears Montag and she usually just drowns his voice out with her

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