
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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Most books will often have a character who, even though they rarely or never appear, leave a lasting impression on the protagonist and the reader. Clarisse McClellan functions as a briefly showing character who helps start off Montag’s thought process and shows that, in life, transformation and progress are only possible when we are allowed the time to think for ourselves. Clarisse, though she only appears momentarily, causes Montag to actually think about their society. For example, Clarisse says “You’re one of the few who put up with me. That’s why I think it’s so strange you’re a fireman, it just doesn’t seem right for you, somehow” (Pg. 21). When she says this Montag “Felt his body divide itself,” showing that Montag is actually thinking about what Clarisse is saying and it’s confusing him. She also asks Montag “Are you happy?” (Pg. 7). …show more content…

For Instance, Clarisse says “They want to know what I do with all my time. I tell them that sometimes I just sit and think.”(Pg. 20). This quotation shows that because she takes the time to think about the world, she has become more observant, in tune with the world, and she is just a more happy and alive person compared to the mindless people around her. She also tells Montag “People had talked too much. And they had time to thin. So they ran off with the porches. And the gardens, too.”(Pg. 60). In this quotation, Clarisse is explaining to Montag why architects got rid of porches. They allowed people the time to think and wonder about the world, which was the opposite of what was desired. So porches, places that cause thought, were taken out. During Clarisse’s short conversations with Montag, she reveals that to truly progress, one must take the time to think and observe, otherwise our world will change to be like the one Bradbury wrote

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