
How Does Napoleon Present Joseph Stalin In Animal Farm

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George used that zeal that he had for writing to write stories and get his point across and educate the community of what was really happening. He did this in the graphic novel “Animal farm” (About animals that take over the farm and enslave the humans) Around 1929 Joseph Stalin became the dictator of the USSR after overthrowing his two committee partners, and in this book George portrays Joseph Stalin through the character Napoleon, a pig who emerges to be the leader or dictator of the animal farm. “The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge it was natural that they should assume the leadership.” (Orwell 3.2) This quote shows how Napoleon, just like Stalin, became the dictator over the country or farm in Napoleon's case;nevertheless, they didn't get that power from just standing around, they had to take it by force with no mercy. …show more content…

As a result, an estimated 7,000,000 persons perished in this farming area, known as the breadbasket of Europe, with the people deprived of the food they had grown with their own hands.” (The History Place™ 1) Stalin forged his own genocide by starving people; consequently, Napoleon was in the same situation as Stalin just on a smaller scale being a farm and all. “Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who was absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.”(Orwell) Again we see how both of them got the power and keep it by controlling the resources of the country or farm. Going along with Stalin's genocide there were a lot of people that got in the way of him, same thing happened to

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