
Napoleon's Manipulation In Animal Farm

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Can a leader manipulate you to believe everything he or she says? In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, Napoleon develops a cult of personality, as he became a dictator of Animal Farm. Napoleon took control of the Farm as he began to establish powerful and caring traits, those as would be shown in a leader. Important aspects of Napoleon becoming a dictator can be attributed to his cult of personality by him being charismatic. Napoleon uses manipulation,deception, and being hypocritical. Napoleon uses other animals to support him in his decisions for the Farm. The actions shows Napoleon's personality and speech help support his plans..The desire to move ahead can cause change in opinion and mislead you to believe in the wrong path. Firstly, Napoleon uses manipulation to generate a cult of personality in the Animal Farm. Napoleon directly shows how he manipulated the animals as he believed “...[weaker] animals on Animal Farm did more work and [would] receive less food than any animals in the country” (92).Napoleon shows how he only cares about himself as he uses the animals. He would make the animals do labour to support himself and to be powerful.The animals would agree to everything that he said because they believed that Napoleon wanted the best for them. Napoleon made the animals believe that they were in better conditions even though “starvation seemed to stare them in the face.” (50). He did a great job to hid the reality from the animals. His thoughts and

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