
How Does Nora Make In A Doll's House

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“You have been trapped in the inescapable net of ruin by your own want of sense” explains Aeschylus, a well-known Greek tragedian. Feeling like there is no way to escape a trap is frustrating and stressful. Not one soul wants to feel that unhappy enclosed. In A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, Nora makes a bold decision to leave her home and husband, Torvald, and her children. At the end of the drama, Nora makes the right choice to leave because she learns from her conversation with Dr. Rank, the ways Torvald mistreats her and with the help of Kristine Linde, Nora is able to move on with her life the way she wants. In the beginning, Nora’s conversation with Dr. Rank affects her choice in leaving her family at the end of the play. The conversation …show more content…

Nora explains, “Thanks, Kristine. I know now what’s to be done…” (928). Mrs. Linde helps Nora notice that she needs to tell Torvald everything about her wrong doings. Kristine assists Nora with guidance and practically counselling on what Nora is to do for Torvald not to be to upset. Nora and Torvald’s marriage has been over, but they are not aware of it at first. Now, they are registering that there is no point to fix anything in their relationship because it is only becoming worse. Kristine Linde helps an insane amount before and after Nora leave from Torvald’s home. Nora and Kristine establish that as Nora disappears from the house Kristine is in charge of gathering all of Nora’s belongings and provide them to her. This displays another reason why Nora escaping her home is the right decision because there is nothing holding her back with the wonderful help she receives from Kristine Linde. In conclusion, in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, Nora assembles the accurate solution to vacate her place of home. Towards the beginning, her conversation with Dr. Rank impacts her leaving because Torvald is not the only one, throughout the play Torvald is controlling and tends treat Nora like a child, and lastly Kristine Linde helps finalize Nora’s decision making process with her advice and assistance to collect Nora’s belongings. Imagine being enclosed in a place feeling unwanted, mistreated, and misplaced; escape and live the life that is meant to be, not an unhappy

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