
How Does Okonkwo Show Dominance

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Things Fall Apart Okonkwo uses strength and manliness to show dominance and manipulate people's views. Okonkwo uses his strength to fight, and show dominance over other people in his clan. Secondly, he maintains a constant image of manliness. Therefore, Okonkwo cannot show affection towards his daughters, cannot constantly treat his family with respect, and lastly, cannot associate with feminine men. This constant use of strength and lack of affection brings Okowkno to his demise. America still has many similar issues. Examples include, dominance over other powerful nations, using force to gain wealth or power, and maintaining a constant image of strength, even when it is not acceptable. Firstly, Okonkwo uses strength to display dominance. For example, “Without further …show more content…

For example, “Okonkwo was specially fond of Ezinma. She looked very much like her mother, who was once the village beauty. But his fondness only showed on very rare occasions” (Achebe, Pg. 37). Okonkwo maintained his image and ego. He was hesitant to show affection towards any family members, including his own children. Another example of Okonkwo’s ego is his constant ignorance of his son Nwoye. Nwoye was feminine male, like his grandfather Unoka. Okonkwo couldn’t associate with him because of his masculine ego. Lastly, Okonkwo sacrificed his adopted son Ikemefuna (Achebe, Pg.50.) This action is a prime example of a social acceptance, as the author described this as, “He was afraid of being thought weak” (Achebe, Pg.50). Okonkwo maintained his image, and went as far as killing his own son. This action slowly ruined Okonkwo image in the clan, as it was viewed as inhumane, but Okonkwo did not know this. America has similar issues. The U.S. has branded itself as a strong, masculine nation. Therefore, the U.S. must appear strong at all times, whether it is acceptable or

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