
How Does Ophelia Commit Suicide

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In act 3 scene 1, “To be, or not to be” is Hamlet’s most essential question of the whole play asking whether he should commit suicide or not. In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet fakes his own madness and it becomes a reality toward the end. Ophelia decides she cannot put up with the social boundaries placed on women and the men in her life put her through. Laertes and Polonius tell her to never fall in love or to create any intimacy with Hamlet because he is madly insane. They both believe that Hamlet would use her and he would take her virginity and throw it away because she could never be his wife. Ophelia has been convinced that Hamlet loved her, though he swears he never did. Even though her love for Hamlet was …show more content…

Her heart is pure, and when she does do something dishonest, such as tell Hamlet that her father has gone home when he is really behind the curtain, it is out of honest fear. Ophelia attaches to the memory of Hamlet treating her with tons of respect and affection, and she defends him and loves him to the very end in spite of his cruelty. She is unable to defend herself, but through her nervous responses we see clearly her intense suffering: To her father and brother, Ophelia is the eternal virgin, the vessel of morality whose purpose is to be an obedient wife and a dedicated mother. To Hamlet, she is a sexual object, a corrupt and deceitful lover. With no mother to guide her, she has no way of deciphering the contradictory expectations. She is living in two worlds behind Hamlet’s back. She has chosen one, and her choice seals her destiny. Polonius uses her as bait to snoop on Hamlet for King Claudius and of course she does exactly what she is told. As long as she is not married, she will always live by her father's rules. Obviously, if she were to marry someone, she would then have to live by her husband's rules. Basically, Ophelia has no control over herself, her relationships, or her choices. The

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