Mr Spear
English 12 – D block
November 17, 14
Prompt 4: Trophy Wife
There are critics who question the love of Othello and Desdemona. Some say if Othello really loves Desdemona, how can he possibly kill his beloved wife? Although, in the exposition of the play, Desdemona and Othello are seems as a newlywed couple where their love cannot be broken easily, it is possible that Othello’s love for Desdemona is not real.
The fact that the two falls in love because of Othello’s stories is questionable. Thought not impossible, it is unusual how someone would falls in love easily just by hearing the other person’s stories. Also, Othello shows hints that Desdemona is the first one to take a further step in their relationship by stating how
Othello and Desdemona have peculiar relationship to say the least. While the story of Othello does not give us many insights on their relationship, throughout the story, we begin to question the concept of their relationship as a whole. The audience mostly blame the story of Othello ending in a tragedy on Iago, but as critical thinkers, they should consider the flaws of Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. Along with flaws, Othello and Desdemona had relationship issues already in areas of behavior and backgrounds. It seems more likely that their relationship was going to fail regardless of the actions of Iago.
Desdemona- Desdemona is Othello 's wife and her goal is to prove to Othello that she loves him. They make a sacrifice by eloping without her father knowing. She stays faithful to Othello the entire time despite his suspicion raised by Iago. She spends the entire time wondering why he 's being this way towards her and trying to steer his judgement in the other direction with the help of Emilia. This is to no prevail because she becomes the victim in the end due to the actions of Iago. She serves as a foil to Emilia because their ideals contrast each other. Desdemona has a naïveté to her that prevents her from even believing that wives cheat on their husbands while Emilia is sure of it and even believes the blame falls on the husband for the actions of the wife.
"You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not” (Picoult, 384). This quote is the definition of true love, something the two protagonists of this play sadly never had. The tragedy Othello is about a general of the Venetian army, and his beautiful wife Desdemona, whose lives are completely ruined by the deceitful, cunning, and cowardly Iago. One of Iago’s biggest accomplishments was breaking up Othello and Desdemona's relationship by getting it into Othello’s head that Desdemona was cheating on him. This really made the reader question Othello’s feelings towards Desdemona as for someone who claimed to have love Desdemona with a passion, Othello sure was quick to believe Iago’s lies and turn on Desdemona. Based on his actions towards Desdemona, Othello proved that he does not truly love Desdemona because he is insecure, lacks trust, and is a very jealous person.
Readers are left to decide whether Othello genuinely loves and values Desdemona as her own person, or whether he is simply attracted to her physically and sexually. In Othello, Shakespeare uses the language and actions of Othello to reveal that his marriage to Desdemona is selfish, shallow, and driven by lust.
Desdemona is Othello’s happiness, and his love for her is pure. In the Renaissance era, the basis of a marriage is wealth and status. However, Othello and Desdemona’s relationship is untraditional in comparison to arranged marriages. It proves that their marriage bases off of the love they have for one another and not for wealth. Othello tells Desdemona his stories of the past, and she accepts his history. Othello finally finds someone who acknowledges his experiences and is grateful that someone accepts who he is regardless of skin colour. When Othello arrives at Cyprus, he immediately goes to Desdemona stating he is content to see her. He expresses his affection with a kiss, which embodies his love for her. Othello genuinely loves every aspect of Desdemona and enjoys her presence.
Loyalty is described as giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. In the play Othello, Emilia really shows this trait of loyalty to Desdemona in a numerous amounts of ways. Emilia and Desdemona have a type of relationship that can only be classified as true friendship, almost family like. In the play Othello, they both really show how much they care about being honest with each other and being protective of one another and how they will always have each others back. Since Emilia is more protective and caring for Desdemona than Iago, Emilia is more loyal to Desdemona.
After sharing the news of the key wedding in words calculated to alarm him, the treacherous and vindictive character quickly departs, effort Roderigo to substantiate the story. Feigning friendly relationship and concern, character then meets with fictitious character and tells him of Brabantio's reaction. Brabantio, Othello, and Desdemona seem before the Duke of metropolis. though Brabantio accuses fictitious character of seducing his female offspring by necromancy, fictitious character explains that he won Desdemona by telling her his adventures, and Desdemona, known as to testify, convinces the senators that she has freely gone with fictitious character and married him for love. The Duke appoints fictitious character as general of the defense
The handkerchief given to Desdemona thus becomes far more important to the story when viewed figuratively. The object’s literal function as a vessel for bodily fluids creates an emotional and sexual reading of the object in a figurative sense. The object foreshadows the tragic ending of Othello and Desdemona’s love, yet the sexual is hard to ignore as well. Handkerchiefs certainly soak up tears, but also other humors such as phlegm, blood, and undoubtedly sexual fluids. In this sense the object can be read as a place where Othello and Desdemona’s love is actually consummated since their physical consummation is continually unfulfilled.
Desdemona finds new pleasure in her husband’s deeds and detaches her claim from Brabantio. While acknowledging dependence on Othello, she explains, “I do perceive here a divided duty/… So much I challenge that I may profess” (1.3.183-190). By owning his adventures, Desdemona removes herself from her father. Thus, she blindly becomes dependent on the heroic image of Othello rather than the Moor himself.
Desdemona got married to Othello by stories of his adventure in travel and war and he was given permission by Brabantio, the father of Desdemona, the duke, and the senators after he was reported by Iago and Roderigo for stealing her away from her father. Roderigo is a man who love to have Desdemona to himself but he was convinced by Iago which require his money to win Desdemona back. Roderigo is willing to agree with Iago plans to use Cassio as a bait to both Othello and Desdemona. Iago became close to Othello by winning his trust and convince him that Desdemona is having affair with Cassio. Iago kept Cassio closer to Desdemona by asking her for help to get his position back and by making Othello be suspicious of them having an affair.
Shakespeare retells his play in a book called Othello. Othello is a general of venetian army who is in love with Desdemona daughter of Brabantio, who is a senator of Venice. Othello was a moor, that mean that he is black and barbarian and citizens of Venice never accepted him as one of them. Othello’s and Desdemona's marriage was very controversial because of his race, however Othello’s friend Iago uses the opportunity to become a higher rank soldier and tries everything to succeed.
Othello and Desdemona’s relationship escalated really quickly because their relationship was moving too quick. This is shown
In the beginning of the play, Othello and Desdemona have a strong relationship. When others interfere with their marriage, Othello
When Othello and Desdemona were not yet married, Othello would tell stories of the wars that he had fought in. That is what led Desdemona to fall in love with Othello. The two had rushed into their marriage. They married each other because they were in "love" with in each other. They did not even really know each other. I do not think that either of them really knew of the notion of "love" to begin with. Othello was much older than Desdemona, which made them two really different people. She was young and had a full life ahead. He was set in his ways and was a bit more reserved. When Desdemona eloped, she deceived her father. This fact made Othello
The tragic play Othello by William Shakespeare, discusses the relationship between Othello and Desdemona that begins as loving, but abruptly alters to a hateful relationship due to a lack of truth. Dishonesty and misunderstandings between Desdemona and Othello drive the collapse of their marriage as well as Iago’s deceitful words which force Othello to discredit Desdemona’s love. William Shakespeare portrays the fall of the relationship of Desdemona and Othello due to his ability of believing false delusions he hears about his wife and the reason for this is from his distrust for women, his jealousy and the fact that he truly lacks confidence in himself, leads him to doubt the love Desdemona has for him.