
How Does Shakespeare Present Betrayal In Macbeth

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The theme of destructive love within relationships in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Bronte’s Wuthering Heights is presented through sexism, jealousy,and betrayal. Destructive love is when two people betray each other. The theme is the two main characters use betrayal for each other.
How does the audience get control in a relationship.Ambition is the most attractive thing in the play. Macbeth shows love and respect towards King Duncan and to his friend Banquo. Buth that love isn’t enough to override his ambition. Macbeth love for lady Macbeth was so strong and swift that it got ahead of his reason. Macbeth gets control back in the relationship by speaking loudly and stopped letting Lady Macbeth question his manhood.
Romantic love takes over many …show more content…

The men take control by using money to attract women. The men have an obsession on the women, but take control by getting revenge.”Whatever he may pretend, he wishes to provoke Edgar to desperation, he says he has married me on purpose to obtain control over him; and he shan’t obtain it- I’ll die fast”( Isabella Heathcliff, chapter 14,pg.172).
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth keeps a good relationship, the couple itself is standard of its time.Yet their crazy odd relationship the two of them seems very attached to each other. Of course, the irony of their happy marriage, they are married by their crimes and madness. There relationship is a crazy and containable, their relationship works because of the crime and the craziness and it works because they both are crazy.” I began to feel unmistably out of place in that pleasant family circle”(2.63)
Heathcliff makes a good relationship last. Both Heathcliff and Catherine are both lonely and isolated. They both feel that they have found a kind heart in each other, the two became very close. There personalities are harmonious which make the relationship unlikely. As they both grow older, they both grow closer. There like wild animals playing in the field. “There relationship has become more and more strained.He [Hindley] has been blaming our father for treating H too liberally; and swears he will reduce him to his right

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