
How Does Stigma Affect Personal Life Goals?

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CONCEPT How does stigma affect personal life goals? Stigma is found in two different forms, public and self-stigma. Public stigma can be described as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Common stereotypes about mental illness include blame, dangerousness and incompetence (Corrigan, Larosn, & Ruesch, 2009). The forms of public stigma cause a chain reaction leading to a loss of opportunities, coercion and segregation for people with mental illness. Self-stigma is defined as a devaluation of the self by internalizing negative stereotypes they attribute to themselves and attributed to them from external sources (Shrivastava, Johnston & Bureau, 2012). Self-stigma is a huge contribution to adherence to treatment for mental health patients and negatively impacts the ability to fully achieve goals. Patients that internalize negative stereotypes, self-stigma, have the attitude of “why try.” ASSESSMENT A thirty-one year old male, homeless, self-employed with history of bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety self-presented to the emergency department. At the emergency department patient stated he was hearing voices telling him to hurt himself. Patient was requesting help with substance abuse because of his recent eviction from his home. The patient also has a son, age thirteen, and states he can see his son whenever he wants. The patient stated he has history of trauma including child abuse and being given away to foster care. Patient has

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