
How Does The Nurse Influence Romeo And Juliet

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From the very beginning of the play, the audience is introduced to the motherly influence the Nurse has on Juliet through their deep connection and affection. Juliet’s Nurse has raised her since she was a baby and has also helped her to grow into the person she has become. Juliet confides in her Nurse about her interest in Romeo after meeting him. Her Nurse caring for Juliet unconditionally, went to seek and found Romeo and explains to him that his, “Young lady bid [her] enquire you out. What she bade me say, I will keep to myself” (2.4.142-143). The Nurse, seeking, locating and talking to Romeo on Juliet’s behalf, enables and encourages Juliet to continue pursuing Romeo romantically. When the Nurse returns to Juliet and explains the arrangement

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