
How Does Tim Burton Use Magical Realism

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Magical Realism is a writing style used by authors to illustrate a truth they have observed of human nature through surreal elements in a relatable or justifiable setting. Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez exemplifies this in his short story, The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World, through the appearance of an abnormally large, beautiful man on the shores of a small, coastal village. Similarly, director Tim Burton uses Magical Realism to express his views of human society through his film, Big Fish, through the stories woven by Edward Bloom Sr., as well as Edward Bloom Jr. The large, beautiful man, whom the villagers name Esteban, washes ashore, dead, and as the villagers tend to and observe him, they create stories of who he was before death, of how he lived and what it was like. Both Edward Bloom Sr. and Edward Bloom …show more content…

It is all based on facts, on things he truly did, but he stretches the stories to become legends that few believe completely. Instead of fleeing the army with two separate twins, he tells that he travels with two conjoined twins, adding little white lies or warped truths to different aspects of his past to create a more incredible sense. In the words of his son, Will Bloom, “A man tells so many stories, that he becomes his stories.” (Burton) As Edward Bloom went through his life, he wove taller and taller tales of who he was in order to mask the insecurities he felt towards all that he had become. As he lay dying in his bed at the end of his life, the only relief he found from his pending passing were the stories. He told them so many times that they became his reality, the thing he clung to to assure himself that he had done something great with his time. In this way he made his demise easier to accept, for instead of facing the reality he could revel in his imagined truths, ones that were far more pride-worthy, in his mind, than the existing present he resided

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