
How Does Tim O Brien Use Situational Irony In Curt Lemon

Decent Essays

Tim O’Brien uses situational irony as a mean to paint Curt Lemon as a weak person mentally. He says that “He kept fidgeting”(83). As a war grunt, Curt Lemon should not be afraid of such little things but the experience in high school left him with a huge scar that still haunts him even years after. Before the dentist got to even touch him “he fainted”(83). This portrays how a weak mentality can become such an unbearable agony. In this chapter, Curt Lemon illustrates distress and dread to fully display his true side. This shows that it is okay to be in this kind of condition even as a war grunt. The author also uses moralistic symbolism to reveal the side of Curt Lemon that no one has seen before. O’Brien states that, to Curt Lemon, dentists

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