
How Does the Media Portray the Poor? Essay examples

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How Does the Media Really Portray the Poor? For as long as there have been media, there have been incorrect portrayals of different subjects, for instance, what the perfect body image may look like, what beauty truly is, what happiness consists of, etc. But there is one not so popular subject that is constantly portrayed incorrectly by the media, and that subject is the lower or “working” class, more commonly known as “the poor.” The different medias that society is exposed to usually show poor people being lazy, dirty and homeless, having no morals or goals for themselves, are often uneducated, and are deadbeat drug addicts or alcoholics. The truth is, according to author, Bell Hooks, who wrote the article, Seeing and Making …show more content…

People of the “working” class must remember that they may lack stable financial situations, and sure, their car, home, etc. can be taken away from them because of that factor, but the one thing society can never take from them, or from anyone, is their dignity. People in the physical world tend to connect better with individuals who are similar to them, especially in terms of race, ethnicity, interests, religious views, or social status. The same can be said with people trying to connect with others in the online world. There are websites, for example or eHarmony, where users are asked an abundance of questions about their personal interests, views, beliefs, etc. in order to create a profile that can be checked out by individuals with similar qualities and who are looking to pursue possible relationships with the owners of the profile. However, it has been noticed that in the online world, there is specific biases towards websites. Author of the book The Young and the

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