
How Drugs Affects Looks And Body: Case Study

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How Drugs Affects Your Looks and Your Body - write 1-2 facts about each item listed below
Skin - Steroids cause acne breakouts on your face and body. Meth causes acne, dull skin, and self-inflicted wounds from picking at your face and body because you think that bugs are crawling under your skin, leaving sores and scars.
Hair - Steroids can cause baldness in men and facial hair and baldness in women.
Chest - Steroids can cause development of breasts in males.
Nose - Snorting cocaine can lead to nosebleeds and a decreased sense of smell. Eventually it can entirely destroy the cartilage in your nose.
Lungs - Smoking marijuana can cause breathing diseases, including a chronic cough, bronchitis, and emphysema, and lung …show more content…

T/F - marijuana affects your memory and those effects can last days or weeks after you stopped smoking. True

How does drug use affect your college grades
List 4 facts regarding drug use that was listed in the article
T/F - the effects of drug use in high school is similar to college.
T/F - you can lose scholarships, financial aid and student loans due to drug use and its affects on your grades.

Your friend overdoses
T/F - doing nothing is the worst thing you can do True
Who should you call if you suspect an overdose? What information should you give them?
You should call 911 and tell them What drug(s) did your friend take? How long ago were they taken? How much was taken? Who else should be contacted immediately?
T/ F - withholding a small piece of information and lying can mean the difference between life and death True
The Good Samaritan Law provides some immunity by protecting the caller and overdose victim from arrest and/or prosecution from simple possession, possession of paraphernalia, and/or being under the

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