
How Electricity Is Produced By Using Coal

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These days, most of us tend to take electricity for granted. If one were to be asked where it comes from, you would most likely get responses from all over, with a common response being, “Out of the sockets in the wall!” In this paper I will be giving a very brief overview of how electricity is produced, specifically from coal.
Generating electricity requires a fuel source, and the fuel source for both EKP and DP&L is coal. About 60% of the electricity nationwide is produced by using coal. Coal arrives mainly by a barge, but also by rail and truck. Barges typically deliver around 1,500 tons of coal, which is enough to keep a plant running for a couple of hours. A plant uses around 21,000 tons of coal each day, so over 1,000,000 tons of coal is stockpiled next to the plant. A device called a stacker reclaimer scoops coal onto a quarter mile long conveyor that can transport up to 900 tons of coal into the plant each hour. Once inside the plant, up to a thirty-hour supply of coal can be stored in bunkers. Coal moves from the bunkers to feeders to be measured and moved to pulverizers. Coal enters the pulverizer and spins in a large drum where hundreds of steel balls grind it into a fine powder. Now a fine powder, the coal leaves the pulverizers and heads to the boiler. About 335 tons of coal can be pulverized per hour. Large fans add warm air to the powdery coal and blow it into the boiler. The boiler has miles of tubes filled with high quality water. Once

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