
How Has Feminism Changed Over The Years

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According to Merriam-Webster, feminism is the word of the year for 2017. Feminism is the word of the year because of the many events that have happened in the past year involving it. Other reasons are the many meanings that the word as had over time, and because many people don’t understand the full meaning of the word. Feminism has been very relevant this year with many men and women taking a stand against inequality.

The first out of many stands against inequality last year was a march that was held the day after President Trump’s inauguration. This one Women’s March lead to other marches and protests around the world. In February, Kellyanne Conway gave a speech at a conservative political event. This was very surprising because conservatives normally prefer the traditional way of doing things, so a woman speaking at an event like that was completely different, and surprising. The “Me Too” movement also brought to light to harassment in the entertainment industry, and in politics . All of these events and more have led to many people looking up the word over the past year. …show more content…

The first definition of the word came in 1841. At that time it was defined as “The qualities of females” by Merriam-Webster. The word feminism has Latin roots of women and female. The current definition of the word is “The theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes” as well as “Organized activities on behalf of women’s rights and interests.” Even though many people have looked up the word in the past year, some still don’t understand the full meaning of the

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