
Feminism : An Definition Of Feminism

Decent Essays

When one hears the term “Feminism”, she/he may have the idea that it is the urge and

desire to gain rights for women. While that is true, it does not describe feminism in its entirety.

Many people misinterpret what this term means based on media and people who do not know


Many people who may misinterpret feminism may describe it as a movement to make

women superior to men. They may say that those who claim to be a feminist are ones who hate

men and strive to assert themselves above them. However, that is not the case. An accurate

definition of feminism includes, “...a doctrine or movement that advocates equal rights for

women”. Merriam­Webster dictionary defines it as, “The belief that men and women should

have equal rights and opportunities”. However, it seems the most accurate definition to describe

this term is the one found on An article on the website says feminism’s

goal is “ create a society in which individual’s genders don’t restrict them from an equitable

shot at success and happiness”.

The 1970s is a key period in the history of feminism. Many laws were created to protect

women and women’s rights, whether those rights be in the home, workplace, or anywhere in

between. Of course, like all groups facing oppression, feminists forced lawmakers to create new

laws. The possibility for rights sparked interest in many women and men. Since the 1970s,

feminists have pressured lawmakers to enact laws that

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