
How Has The Islamic Empire Impacted Modern Society

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How have we gotten so advanced in this modern day and age? The Islamic Empire surprisingly has more to do with these advancements than what we would assume. Three ways that the Islamic Empire impacted the world today is with math/science, medicine, and architecture. All of which created new and great things. Firstly, math and science were greatly impacted by the discoveries of the Islamic empire and its scholars. Arabic numerals and the place value system were invented to simplify math from the previous Roman numerals (Noonan, 2007). These are both used in our time and are what enables us to understand math better. Along with the change of numerals, there were also the ideas of Algebra, Trigonometry, Engineering, and Astronomy (Gardner, 2001). All of these discoveries and ideas are highly important subjects in our modern world and have shaped our society. Both science and math are great gifts from the Islamic Empire that have impacted our world. …show more content…

The of the most notable piece of medical achievement from this time is Al-Qasim’s The Method which was used around Europe for around 200 years as a textbook for surgery (Noonan, 2007). This affects how people in that time lived and got through surgery, leading to the survival of our ancestors that would may not have survived without this knowledge from the Islamic Empire. Along with this book, many scholars in the Empire were focused on learning and studying medicine and anatomy (Gardner, 2001). Without these devoted scholars we would not be as advanced medically as we are today. The millions of lives we have saved over the years with our knowledge is what stemmed from the Islamic Empires

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