
How Has The Nile River And How It Shaped Ancient Egypt

Decent Essays

The prize of the Nile River

Ever wondering what the prize of the Nile is and how it formed ancient Egypt? Well in this essay all of my paragraphs would tell you how. First we have my first paragraphs that talks about the NILE.

The Nile shaped ancient Egypt being the most important part of Egypt. The things that the Nile has giving ancient Egypt was the Flooding Cycle, The Way They Use the Nile, And Things the Nile Have to Offer to the Egyptian is what the prize of the Nile is. The Background of the Nile is that it’s one of the oldest rivers and the longest river in the world. The Nile River is still alive and the river is about 6,650 kilometers long. The Nile River has flood Problems because they don’t have fresh water to grow crops.

This paragraph is about flooding cycle and how it went down, the Nile river length 4,258 miles long. It has a lot of flood which is why in the Nile River they have a flood cycle. …show more content…

When the Nile flooded it would bring back slit which is good. If it weren’t for the Nile River than the Egyptians civilization wouldn’t rise. Ancient Egyptians religion was a complex system of polytheistic belief’s and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptians society. It central on the Egyptians interaction with a multitude of dirties. Who were believed to be present in, and in control of the forces and element of natural? Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptians society. It centered on the Egyptians interaction with a multitude of deities. Who were believed to be present in, and in control of the forces and element of natural.

In conclusion this is how the Nile river shaped ancient Egypt it was very important to Egyptians and their believes to the Nile river Egypt is very lucky to be reward winter the Nile

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