
How I Became A Big Sister Analysis

Decent Essays

“She’s not named after you.” How I Became a Big Sister
This is a compilation of memories from a five year old girl when her world was turned upside down. I, the author, am recounting events that happened approximately 9 years ago. The events written here took place early April in 2008, when my little sis was born. I wouldn’t be the same without her.

First, a little background on my family. I have two older brothers, the first born is 16 years older than me and the other is 14 years older. I also have a big sister who is 13 years older than me. Then came me. My mother had had a few pregnancies between us which caused the gap. When I was born, all my siblings were well into their teens. I was spoiled, treated like royalty even. My life was …show more content…

Suddenly, out of the blue, there was a new baby. I don’t remember my mom being pregnant. I don’t even remember a hospital stay. Basically, I thought my mom had woken up one morning a decided she wanted a baby. So, she drove to the hospital and got one. However, It never really clicked that we had to keep the baby. I kinda assumed we’d play with her a while and the I could go back to being the Queen.
The whole week when mom was in the hospital was really weird for me. I knew something was changing,that something wasn’t right, but I had no idea what. For some reason, mom wasn’t at home. Dad didn’t go to work. Grandma and Grandpa were there. And Why was everyone bringing us casseroles and lasagnas? It was really confusing for me.
Grandma and Grandpa were staying at my house with me while mom and dad were at the hospital. One day, we went to visit my mom. At this point someone had explained to me what was going on but I was still a little confused about somethings. For example, why was my mom staying at a hotel, The Hospital, so close to our house? Anyway, while we were there, it just so happened that my Great Aunt Charlotte had also stopped by for a visit. (Side note: Great aunt Charlotte is my Grandma on the Wray side’s …show more content…

I guess I overheard a conversation about how she wasn't named after the great aunt, but Mom just liked the name. So, when someone said, “ Jaynie, this is your Aunt Charlotte.”, I remembered the conversation about the name. So I walked over to her, looked her in the eye and said something like, “ Just so you know, she’s not named after you.” I’m not sure what happened after that but I think she left pretty quickly.
I also remember going in and seeing my mom, probably for the first time since she had the baby. I remember just sitting on the bed drawing while she talked to me. (I loved to draw at the time and was sometimes called ‘Little Picasso’.) This was the first time that it really clicked. We weren’t just going to go home and everything would be back to the way it was. This wasn’t a game of pretend. After mom came home from the hospital there was actually going to be another baby.
Life never did go back to the way it was. It was weird for me. My whole life I was the baby, and I loved it. To top it all off, this baby was STUNNING. I mean she was a gorgeous baby.(And still is.) She had the brightest blue eyes you ever saw, and I swear she smiled from day one. Little me might’ve been a little

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