
How I Get Up And Hop Out Of My Bed On The Third Floor Of Crawford

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I get up and hop out of my bed on the second floor of crawford. The room is what you expect of a college student. The room is messy and the smell of dirty laundry lurks in the air. Preparing for the day I load a coffee filter up to the brim making sure to get the extra bit of caffeine. As the brewing starts, I grab my towel and shampoo and make my way to the showers. On the way there is spot my neighbor we exchange head nods and continue on our way. The cement brick walls lead the way to the bathroom. I start the shower and the water spits out in a frantic stream. The hot water beats on my back and I begin to plan my day. Class at ten thirty for and hour then I have a break, then go to the garden, and lastly sit down for a late lunch. I become aware that you fall into routine known as body ballet. A term used in the book Place A short introduction. Tim Creswell suggest “ Its through participating in these daily performances that we get to know a place and feel part of it” (Creswell 34) . This is becoming familiar with a place, the daily routine I follow is Body Ballet, which helps me become more familiar with another home. I return back into my room and the smell of a fresh brew sits in the air. Im ready to start my day. Once I exit Crawford I 'm guided by the amber path of bricks. The cool breeze blows past my face and I’m reminded fall is approaching. Strolling through campus, I dodge the Roanoke Seal, making sure not to tread on it. The Administration building, in all

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