
How I Use Social Media To Enhance My Writing

Better Essays

In this reflective essay, I will explore how I use social media to enhance my creative writing, which aspects of social media platform did I utilize the most in an effort to connect with a new audience and examine the nature of my relationship concerning my creative exploration and use of technology within the writing process.
Any electronic data-processing device is capable of taking notes. Most writers will prefer Microsoft Words or Pages to their predecessors’ weapon of choice: a pen and paper. Nowadays, anyone can create and share contents using technology through the use of social media as a stepping-stone. This is how we connect with the world around us, interacting with one another; it is the era of Internet, emails and instant messages …show more content…

Whether they realize the potential it holds, the materials we create are accessible by users worldwide and we are able to interact with them.
In terms of social media enhancing my creative writing, the subject is subjective. Enhance is based more on quality or quantity, whether it’s by gaining more readers or refining my writing, although the line between the two is blurred as the general correlation is the better my writing is, the more readers I will attract. However, I hoped the improvement of my creative writing skills is more to do with quality and quantity.
“Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is better than two …show more content…

Ergo, I conducted a further analysis and decided upon using imagines found on Tumblr, prompts surrounded TV show, movies, books such as Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, and Teen Wolf, etc. because they already have an establish audience, which increases the chance of me connecting with them through something they love. Once I had constructed an outline for my creative writing, I discovered I needed to change some aspects of my writing style to suit the stories I am writing. Most of the stories written for these imagines ranges from 100 to 2,000 words, depending on the author’s preferences and the story they had created based on the given

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