
How Is Chris Mccandless A Spoiled Brat

Decent Essays

Chris McCandless was a spoiled brat. One example of this was when Chris was being dropped off at the start of the Stampede Trail by Jim Gallien. He insisted on giving Gallien his watch, comb, and money. If he did not take them, “[Chris would] throw [them] away,” (Krakauer 7). Chris had no appreciation for his belongings. He planned to just throw away his belongings and money. This was just one of the many times he took his belongings for granted; he burned his money, ditched his car, and refused to take actual boots from Gallien. He disposed of money because he had no value of it and did not appreciate the work it took to make that money. He was raised in an upper class household and did not have to work hard to have money. He grew up in a

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