
How Is Comedy Used In A Midsummer Night's Dream A Comedy

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Shakespeare’s Outlook On Comedy Comedy, professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh. Comedy is incorporated in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare several times. In several scenes there are characters called The Mechanicals who are young men shown as comical by the way they talk and how they go about doing things. These men are putting on a play to perform for the King and Queen of their home. One major type of comedy the characters use is character comedy. This is when the characters exaggerate features or have comical personality traits. Throughout the play, character comedy is used several times by The Mechanicals. One place in the play in which character comedy is shown is in act 1 scene 2. Shakespeare uses this comedy to show how the mechanicals reacted to their assigned roles, and to tell the audience what the play will look like. This type of comedy is a “haha comedy” and is intended to make the audience laugh. While getting assigned parts, Nick Bottom shows his comical personality when he says, “Let me play the lion too: I will roar, that I will do/ any man’s heart good to hear me; I will roar, that I will/ make the duke say ‘Let …show more content…

This is put into the script to show the severity of the bad acting put on by the mechanicals. “No assure you; the wall is down that/ parted their fathers. Will it please you to see the/ epilogue, or to hear a Bergomask dance between two/ of our company (5.1.347-350). In these lines, Bottom is talking to one of the other characters in the play and is telling him that the wall is supposed to be down and he can show him the part if he wants. This shows character comedy because it shows the type of person Bottom is, a perfectionist and stubborn. Shakespeare incorporates this comedy to make the audience laugh at Bottom’s unprofessional

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