
How Is Hamlet Flawed

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Everyone is flawed, but a man who cannot realize his own mistakes leads his person to a never growing and a never-ending cycle of wrongdoing. In the eponymous play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare the tragic hero's cowardice and incapability to act causes not only his downfall but also affects the people around him. Trough out the play the prince does not take any actions, even at the end he does not do anything. Hamlet is haunted by an apparition that demands of him to take revenge on its killer, but the Prince is incapable of killing his uncle and delays his revenge. Furthermore, he ends up dying due to his failure to act moderately. Hamlet's tragic flaw gets in the way of the people that surround him and leads him to never act. Hamlet is flawed, but he never realizes his mistakes which causes him to …show more content…

Hamlet swore revenge on Claudius for killing his father, but he delays his revenge due to his cowardice. Hamlet has many opportunities to kill the King, but he gives himself reasons not to do so . The prince has the idea that the appearance might be “a devil” that has “power/ T’assume a pleasing shape” which “Abuses [him] and to damn” him. Therefore, he wants “grounds/ More relative than” the ghosts words, so “The play’s the thing/ Wherein [he’ll] catch the conscience of the king” (Shakespeare 2.2.586-93). Hamlet is stalling, he is afraid to kill Claudius by giving himself excuses such as the devil is deceiving him and that he needs more proof that his uncle is the true killer. Even after the play has ended, Hamlet knows that his uncle is guilty of the murder. Due to Claudius’ guilty conscience causing him to leave in the middle of the play. Hamlet still takes two months to do anything, this shows that he is a coward as he has no courage to kill his father’s murderer. In addition, he never realizes his wrongdoings or cowardice and continues on with them. The prince‘s

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