
Why Is Hamlet Wrong

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In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, the Danish prince finds himself in the midst of a moral crossroad. His mind and soul have been subject to torment, and he now debated ending his life. His beloved father is dead, and his mother, who seemingly deeply loved the King, quicky remarried. Not only did she remarry, but her new husband is her former brother-in-law! Hamlet is understandably upset by this news, and with the added weight of his father’s death resting on his shoulders, Hamlet must find a way to cope with both perceived tragedies. Hamlet knows that this marriage is wrong, and it greatly affects him, but he can’t bring himself to act upon his feeling. This is the dilemma of Hamlet in the first soliloquy, he is simply unable to bring himself to take action against the new King and Queen no matter how …show more content…

He wants to disappear, as he can’t deal with the events around him. Additionally, he is mourning his father’s untimely death, so having his uncle sweep in out of nowhere and marry his mother serves as a slap in the face to a defenceless Hamlet. The reader knows that Hamlet is angry, as he likens Old Hamlet (his father) and Claudius (his uncle turned stepfather) to, “Hyperion to a satyr;”(1.2.144). The Old King Hamlet was almost godlike, while Claudius is no more than a lascivious beast. Hamlet’s father was nothing but good, while Claudius is purely immoral. How Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother) could go from one to the other, and so soon, makes no sense to Hamlet. This causes Hamlet to begin to resent his mother. He is extremely upset my his mother’s betrayal of his father, in fact, he is infuriated, but he can’t bring himself to speak, as he says at the end of his rant, “ But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue.”(1.2.164) Hamlet is unable to confront his mother or his step-father about their seemingly incestuous

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