
How Is Holden Caulfield Alike

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The Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield the main character in J.D. Salingers book The Catcher in the Rye is a very sophisticated character due to his conflicting viewpoints throughout the book. Holden is very different compared to the average Joe, Holden has made it a point in his life to be different and tends to disagree with almost everything taking place in society. This is seen throughout the book with almost every one of Holden's thoughts and actions. One could say Holden is an immature 17 year old. He likes to spend his time at bars and loves to smoke, a lot. He likes the idea of being an adult but he simply can't be because of his age, he tries to get people to allow him to buy drinks and he is fascinated by the idea of sex, even though he doesn't really understand what it's all about. Something key to note though is Holden is very nice to women, if they tell him to stop for one reason or another he will. Holden also curses like a sailor it seems almost every sentence that comes out of his mouth has to have some sort of swear word in it. From an outside …show more content…

Most people won't show that they are lonely but Holden make it clear he is because he is always trying to make plans with people he knows or even in one case a girl he never even meet but his friend told him about. Holden is a very judgemental person and he does this to help isolate himself from society. He can't stand phonies which is almost everyone he meets is. Holden judges people who he considers boring, insecure, and people who are fake. When makes plans with people he soon realizes that it was a mistake because he finds the persons flaw and he feels like it ruins his plans and wonders why he even asked them in the first place. The people he asks to do something with are people he sees as non phonies but after doing something with them he realizes they are and tells himself he won't hang out with them

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