
How Is Rainsford Clever

Decent Essays

Fear: Being hunted by another human. After falling off a yacht into the ocean and ending up stranded on an island with a human hunter, Rainsford has to try and survive three days while being chased down by an evil murderer called General Zaroff. After hunting all his life, Rainsford won’t ever hunt again because of his emotional and physical experience’s on Ship-Trap Island.
If Rainsford stays on Ship-Trap Island, he will not have to search for food or find shelter. Rainsford knows there is food on the island because of knowing there is men on the island with him. Rainsford knows “where there are pistol shots, there are men” and if there is men there is food (Connell 22). When he ends up on the island, you know Rainsford is clever by knowing there is men and food somewhere by hearing the gunshots. It is ironic when he ends up on the island because originally he thought it was abandoned but there is actually people on there. After he hears the gun, …show more content…

Rainsford doesn’t want to be a murderer like the strange General Zaroff. Rainsford was “a hunter, not a murderer” like the General (Connell 27). Rainsford considers the strange General a murderer and doesn’t want to become one. While on the topic of murdering, Rainsford doesn’t consider killing humans hunting, he considers it murder. Rainsford considers what the General is “speak[ing] of [as] murder” and not hunting (Connell 27). He doesn’t think hunting humans is hunting, he thinks if you hunt another person it is murder. Not just is hunting humans murder it is also not civilized according to Rainsford. Rainsford questions on if “shoot[ing] down men” is civilized when the General says it is (Connell 28). Rainsford knows when you shoot down men it’s not civilized and doesn’t want to become like the cruel General Zaroff and shoot down men. He won’t hunt again because he doesn’t want to be a murderer like

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