
How Is Technology Presented In The Veldt

Decent Essays

Technology is a thief because it steals our minds. Things like smartphones can be burdens at times. Sometimes, I go to restaurants or other places and I see two people together. Instead of socializing, they’re just looking at their phones. Some technologies just make you completely oblivious to the outside world. Both authors use their thoughts about how is technology can make you completely oblivious to the mother nature in both of their literature.”The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury’s and a short poem “Touchscreen” by Marshall Davis Jones. In “The Veldt”, the technology is taking over the children's mind just like a drug takes over your brain, children are mentioning technology as their parents. In the “Touchscreen”, the talker expresses his feelings about the how technology is becoming a needs in our life, like air, we need it to survive. In both “ the veldt” and “touchscreen”, we learn that relying too heavily on the technology can result in changes in the individuals and society as a whole. …show more content…

In “the veldt”, the technology take over their life that they can’t even live without it- children are mentioning technology as their parents and in that feeling, they killed their parents. In the “touchscreen”, the speaker says “ my world is so digital, that I have forgotten what that feel likes”, this show that world before technology that was way better than we are living in. This desire motivates the speaker to work harder to eliminate the technology from the category of daily and social needs and return to their original world. He also says “I’m so desperate to feel that I hope that technologic can reverse the universe”, In both quotes, the characters or people are encouraged and motivated to defend themselves from the monsters(technology) taking over their

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