
How Minimum Wage Should Be Increased

Decent Essays

This hot debated topic about how minimum wage should be increased dates back to where history began. Most people today forget the painstaking, agonizing labor that people had to go through. Think about this for a moment, a world full of men, women, and children working every day 90 plus hours per week and getting less. In 1915, “woman was paid $6.00 a week; she bought her lunch for 15 cents while her struggling co-worker got by on 6 cents.” ( This shows these people worked very hard for little money without complaining about their expenses.

In today's society, everyone references the American Dream as being, happiness, wealth, and prosperity. However, for many this dream is impossible to be reach as this country is troubled financially. According to the, we are “$18 trillion in debt.” ( As inflation skyrockets, the value of the U.S. dollar starts to decrease, lowering the value households and businesses. …show more content…

( Today, the minimum wage is $9.00 per hour but on January 1, 2016; the wage is going to increase $11 per hour. Some people believe that the solution to this problem is to automatically raise the minimum wage, however doing so would have a profound impact in a negative light on the United States’, businesses, and the

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